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Golf a tough sport to swallow

X-rays reveal golf balls inside the carpet snake.

To snake a ball is generally considered a good thing when playing golf. A golf ball in a snake is not as positive.

Callaway the coastal carpet python found that out the hard way after he mistook two golf balls for eggs in a chicken coop in Kyogle, New South Wales.
It wasn't entirely his fault; the chickens' owners had placed the balls there so not to overly bother their chickens when removing eggs.

But while the two-year-old 1.5 metre snake did manage to snaffle two eggs for his trouble, he also swallowed himself a whole lot of trouble.

And, just as another carpet snake, Augusta, discovered in 2008, golf balls are a little hard on the Morelia spilota's digestion.
When he slithered back a week later, either looking for another easy meal or somewhere warm to curl up and digest his loot, the property owners scooped him up and rushed him to the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary hospital for some emergency surgery.
Dr Andrew Hill said Calloway was luckier than most who try their hand at golf.
“They [golf balls in snakes] don't decompose the same way that other things do, so they can eat a whole possum and not have a problem,” he said.
“Even though it is enormous in their belly, it will slowly dissolve until there is very little left and pass that through.
“Whereas a golf ball isn't going to change. It gets about two-thirds down the intestine and then just stops.
“It causes so much pressure that the tissue around it is severely damaged, but mainly they just starve to death.
“So in the wild, what they would normally do would be to first to crawl away somewhere out of sight to hide and digest and I am sure there are snakes that we don't see that just hide away and think they have a full belly, but they just starve.”
Augusta made world-wide headlines when he chowed down on the dimpled white balls and Dr Hill said it was rare to find a living snake with the tell-tale lumps.
“Calloway is the first one we have seen since Augusta,” he said.
“It does happen but commonly the snake won't be caught afterwards, so we only have Calloway because he returned.
After a quick nip and tuck in the intestine region, Calloway looks two golf balls lighter and will be ready to face the world again in about a month.
And Calloway's tale may live on at a golf course near you – the golf balls and their medical history may be auctioned off.
Golf balls removed from Augusta the carpet snake, who swallowed them in similar circumstances, later fetched $1400 for the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary wildlife hospital in an Ebay auction.
The hospital, which treats more than 4000 wild animals each year, receives no government funding and relies on community and corporate donations.
“I think they are lucky golf balls, they have a story to tell not every golf ball gets to have,” Dr Hill said.
As for Calloway, Dr Hill hoped he had learned his lesson.
“It is really rewarding, this is a problem that a wild snake has encountered because of people but we can rectify that and send them back out into the wild,” he said.
“That is what it is all about here at the hospital, sending healthy wildlife back into the wild, so it has been a really rewarding day.
“I am hoping he has learned just a little from this experience and I am sure the donors will be hoping the same thing. Maybe he will be staying away from eggs and golf balls from now on.”

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